Tuesday 26 February 2013

Practical work unit 4.

In my work I am aiming to look at todays society and how things like social networks influence the world. In everyday life we are constantly linked to social media and being watched through cctv, I want to show how these things dominate our society and how many of us are addicted to the idea.  I will also be looking at stereotypes within todays society and how they are encourages and influenced by the media, for example the delinquent subculture of chavs. Throughout my work I will be trying to show the effects of such groups have in todays culture.

So far I have looked at the subculture of chavs and how they are stereotypically portrayed through the media, I wanted to show how we all hold opinions of these groups of people. I also then did a follow up shoot where I looked at objects stereotypically associated with chavs like knifes, handcuffs and police badges. I wanted to show how this group is generally linked with negative objects. I then moved onto an experiment shoot where I looked at how many of us are addicted to social networks like Facebook, I took inspiration from one of my images banks for this shoot. I wanted to show literally how social networks are like drugs and many people are addicted to them. I would like to expand more on the idea of social networks and the control they have over our lives. I am going to focus on how this form of observation controls many of our daily routines and many would struggle without their daily fix. I will also continue to focus on how these forms of social media highlight and exaggerate certain groups.

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