Thursday 25 April 2013


 In this photoshoot I wanted to create surreal images of how wires and technology can be taking over our lives. I have combined an action which is biological and human which is being sick and added a technological twist, by doing this I am creating an alternative way to show how technology is taking over. I really enjoyed this shoot and believe it provided me with a set of very good images which clearly displays the concept of my unit.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Exam Shoot 4

This is my fourth and final shoot from my exam, in this shoot I used the studio to do a basic shoot where I showed wires and pills next to each other. I did this to show how they are contrasting objects but can be very similar in a different context. For example many people can be addicted to pills however increasing numbers are becoming addicted to technology and social networks.

Exam Shoot 3

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This is my third exam shoot where I decided to make an animation where I would show that some people are so addicted to technology that they carry it throughout their day to day lives. On this journey I am showing how the actual world is being ignored and substituted for technology and the cyber world. It is a common sight to see someone walking down the street on their phone however I wanted to show it from a different perspective.

Exam Shoot 2

This is my second shoot from my exam, in this shoot I worked in the studio where I did a very basic shoot. I began by taking images of my model in certain poses so I could manipulate them later on photoshop, much of this shoot was computer work as I added in logo's and effects. I really enjoyed this shoot as I was able to explore the idea that I had previously looked at when researching this topic.

Exam Shoot 1

This was the first shoot from my exam, in this shoot I decided to go on location and combine the natural landscape of the forest with the artificial leads and cables. I also used a model to show how it is humans which have created this technology and is dependent on its capabilities. I also used a model as I wanted to show how technology is becoming an addictive drug, I showed this by plugging some of the wires into my model. This shoot went very well and I had combined concepts from my previous research which resulted in me knowing what worked well and what had to be changed. Here are a few final pieces which I have selected to post onto my blog.